

Ms. Hannah Caulker


My name is Ms. Hannah Caulker, founder of Sierra Hope Foundation Inc. I have survived breast cancer – twice. If you have read my home page, you now realize my growing concern about the rising cancer burden. Sierra Hope Foundation Inc. is my dream, it is my calling, my passion, and I crave to serve my community daily. It is my sincere desire to pay it forward and make a difference to others. I pray that my testimony will bring hope, faith and courage to all who are suffering from the burden of cancer.

In 2006, I was diagnosed with stage-3 breast cancer, and my physician performed a lumpectomy immediately. Following that surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments were necessary to kill diseased cells or germs. However, they were accompanied by some side effects (which doesn’t apply in all cases) such as lymphedema and neuropathy, which caused excruciating pain in my arms and legs, along with tingling and swelling in my hands and feet.

In 2012, I was diagnosed again with another rare form of breast cancer, and this time my option was to have a double mastectomy. I was devastated and I thought my life was over. I began to pray for strength and courage, asking God to touch and cleanse me with the blood of Jesus. I had cancer, but I didn’t allow cancer to have me. I believed then, as I believe now – that the devil is a liar! The surgeries and treatments were a success, and I’m proud to say that I now have a new body image. I feel very blessed and proud to be alive. To God be the Glory!

Sierra Hope Foundation’s mission is to give people hope for living. Once diagnosed with breast cancer or other forms of cancer, the first thing that comes to the minds of many is “death”. Sierra Hope Foundation Inc. is here to deliver the message that cancer is not a death sentence, and not a subject to be quiet about – focus on the fight and not the fright. To those of you who are encountering a tough challenge, please do not lose hope. Think positive and fight hard to live a full life. Know that the worst is over – the best is yet to come!

I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my physicians and staff at the Atlanta Cancer Care, the Emory Clinic, Emory Hospital, Saint Joseph’s Hospital, Northside Hospital, North Atlanta Surgical Associates, and Dr. Kathleen Raviele (OBGYN) and staff. Also my sincere gratitude to my pastor, Reverend McCallister Hollins, and members of Ousley United Methodist Church located in Lithonia, Georgia. Special thanks to my children, family and friends at home and abroad.

Remember my friends, that there are going to be some struggles, but run the race. God might not come at the time you expect Him, but in the nick of time, He will be there. Always know that the storm is passing over. Let’s run the race together and keep “hope for the cure”.

Blessings to all.